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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pictures only today...

Hello, all the loyal, faithful, fabulous Malawi 'n Me blog readers! I'm sure you're wondering why it's been so long since my last post. Well, this time I have more than just the intermittent internet and electricity to blame. Since our classes ended last week Friday 28 March, I decided to take a trip to the north part of Malawi last week Saturday, 29 March, and just returned this past Friday, 4 April. Of course, on the Friday prior to my departure, there was no internet service, and no internet access during my trip as well. When I returned on Friday, I vowed to update the blog that evening, but after checking my hundreds (no joke) of new e-mails from the week prior, and then losing my internet connection, I decided it wasn't meant to be until the next day. Of course, the next day (Sat. 5 April), I woke up to no electricity, a condition which continued throughout the day and into the evening. Alas, Sunday was the day. Luckily, I had very good internet service today, but of course was interrupted by an electrical blackout in the midst of my blogging. Thus, I was only able to update the pictures taken of events prior to my trip up north-- some good stuff-- check it out at left!

In sum, it appears the faithful will have to wait patiently just one more day for the usual fabulous, detailed, long-winded (but of course incredibly interesting) narration of my adventures up north. Hopefully, internet and electricity-willing, I'll also get the pictures up as well. I'll do my best.

For now, I must go, as it is WAY past bed-time for me... 11:30 p.m.!! I can't remember the last time I was conscious at such an hour, and NOT in my house!! Ah, the horror! Tomorrow morning, we're takin Penga to the vet. It seems she found a boyfriend while we were away... and he's an older man. Ya, they had a nice (howling) chat through the windows my first night back-- great fun! Hopefully it's not too late to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Wish me luck on that. Tiwonana Mawa!

1 comment:

heddahop said...

Great Pictures! Anxiously awaiting the newest info! Let me know when and if the books arrive form me, I want to send more :)